This long trail system circles around the unique St
Mary's Glacier.
The main trail in the area is #175. This trail varies from
smooth to pretty rocky.
A great view of James Peak
Doug trying to find his way as #175 splits into many side roads
James Peak Lake and Little Echo Lake from Kingston Peak
Loch Lomond, if you look close you can see some
Jeeps parked near the edge of the water.
There are enough trails here to ride all day long.
We road 47 miles.
This trail has many wooded section along with plenty of
riding above the tree line.
Trails: We parked just past #273 then road up the trail. Go a short way up the trail and turn to the right and start
up the steep trail. Turn right at #175 and follow the signs to St Mary's Glacier. From St Mary's take #7020 to
Kingston Peak, this trail will then lead you back to #175.